Why I flew half way around the world

Hello from Raleigh, North Carolina, where I will be attending the Institute for Challenging Disorganization conference, which commences tomorrow.  I’m absolutely thrilled to be here.  In fact, I even planned my annual holiday around it.

(I’ve been visiting Canada and Alaska – such beautiful places – but always keep my organiser’s hat on and have been a keen observer of both good and bad organising practices.  I hope to write about those in the future.)

So why, when I am already recognised as an Expert Professional Organiser, would I travel half way around the world to learn more about the organising profession?  Well, I am a true believer in learning more.  As research is conducted and best practices are developed, I want to be there, learning more.

And even though the conference doesn’t start till tomorrow evening, I have already benefitted from my attendance and my association with some of the smartest organising brains in the business.  We hadn’t even arrived at the conference hotel before I made a valuable re-connection.  One of the ICD Conference organisers shared some tips with me on the ride from the airport, and I got to glimpse her remarkably slim conference guidebook.  We’ll make a date for more in depth sharing later.  This will help me enormously as I chair the AAPO 2012 Conference Subcommittee and again I can’t wait to learn more.

AAPO’s next conference will be in Melbourne in July 2012 and if you’re connected to the industry, I highly recommend you attend.

One Response to “Why I flew half way around the world”

  1. Janet Barclay Says:

    Angela, you are a shining example of a lifelong learner! I’ve talked to a few people who don’t attend conferences, or who sit out on sessions because they “have heard it all before.” Sometimes we have heard it before, but we need a reminder or a refresher – and you just never know when you’ll have an “aha” moment!

    Hope to meet you at a conference somewhere, someday.

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