Archive for the ‘Be Prepared’ Category


January 2, 2013


Goal setting is BIG this time of year. But the best goals are smart ones. Or should I say SMART ones.




Will Your goals be SMART in 2013?

No time to Get Organised?

June 20, 2012

Think you have no time to get organised?  I’ll bring you a series of quick tasks that will make a big difference, and they only take 5 minutes or less.  Yes, work your way to organised in just 5 minute increments.

Today’s 5 Minute Organiser Tip is…

Stop Junk Mail Coming in the Door.

Grab your Dymo Labelmaker or a felt tip pen and some masking tape or a sticker.  Create a “No Junk Mail” sticker and put it where it will be seen by the postie.

That’s it, you’re done.

No more junk mail taking up space and time and money.


How to Organise while you watch the Tennis

January 16, 2012

Today marks the start of the Australian Open – 2 weeks of top-quality tennis.  TV sets will be tuned in to watch every ball.

This does not mean you can’t achieve a little something while you treat yourself to a feast of summer tennis.  Here are some suggestions:

  • Go through that stack of magazines by the couch.  Flick through and find the recipes you simply must try (and decide when you’ll try them)
  • Go through the stack of recipes you’ve torn out of magazines in the past and decide if they’re still for you, and when you’ll try them
  • Sort through books, DVDs, CDs, your iPod and decide on the ones that you want to read, watch or hear again, and you know what to do with the rest
  • Finish a UFO – UnFinished Object – any project you’ve set aside
  • Write those letters and thank you notes you’ve been meaning to get to
  • Sort through photos and toss the blurry, the duplicates, the unnecessary
  • Catch up on housework – ironing, laundry folding, mending, polishing silver
  • Get some meal planning done

What else could you do?

New Career Discovery Sessions

January 5, 2012

Many compassionate women who are seeking extra income are struggling with the problem of how to start their Professional Organiser business.

It’s a shame, because the solution is actually right at their fingertips, they just don’t see it.  Maybe you can relate to this too.

Which got me thinking, what could I offer that would get you started quickly, with exactly what you need to solve this problem?

Well, I came up with the perfect solution.  I’m opening up 10 spots to coach with me – at no cost – for 30 minutes!

It’s my 30-minute “New Career” Discovery Session.

The only thing is, with only 10 spots open, these are going to be snapped up fast.  And to be considered you need to act now.

In this New Career Discovery Session, I’ll walk you through:

  • The hidden challenges that are unconsciously sabotaging you from starting or growing your new career as a Professional Organiser
  • Creating a crystal clear vision for your ultimate business success and the wonderful lifestyle you’d like your business to provide
  • How to get renewed, re-energised and inspired to turn your business into a highly profitable, revenue-generating machine
  • The one simple step you can take immediately to get into action

If you’re ready to stop wondering what to do and start building your business, then I urge you to register for one of these 10 limited discovery session spots with me right now.  These sessions will be held during January and there are limited appointment times so please act soon!

HERE’S HOW TO REGISTER – DEADLINE is January 11(and how to get your gift of my “Quotes to Organise By” collection of 215 organising-related inspiring quotes)

Simply send an email to to answer these simple questions.

IMPORTANT: You must answer all the questions to be eligible for this gift discovery session.

I will then send you an email with a link for the session times available.

  1. What is your name and tell me a little bit about your existing Professional Organiser business, or why you want to start one?
  2. When it comes to starting or growing your business, what are you biggest challenges?
  3. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being highest), how important is it to you to get these solved… and why?
  4. What is the #1 obstacle that’s kept you from solving these challenges?
  5. Where would you like your business to be in 6 months?  12 months?
  6. What is your phone number and email address?

How to Avoid Organising Mistake #3

January 3, 2012

We’ve talked about how to avoid organising mistakes #1 and #2.  Next on the list of 7 Common Mistakes of DIY Organising Projects is

Have unclear goals for the space or project

What’s so wrong about having no goals?  Can’t you just launch yourself into sorting and tossing and boxing up?

Well, no.  It’s like heading off on a fabulous holiday without first checking the destination.  Would you start packing without knowing the climate there?  What if you packed all sundresses and sandals when in fact you were headed to the snow?  Would you head off in the car without checking the map first?  Without knowing the final destination, you could head off in the wrong direction and be lost for hours or even days.

When organising, it’s easy to start on the wrong foot, and end up spending hours on a task that could have been eliminated entirely.  Or you could completely miss an important step all together.

Instead of wasting time and effort “getting lost”, take a short time up front to decide on your vision for the space or project.  How will it look and feel?  What will success look like?

Ready Set Christmas – Feeding Santa

December 24, 2011

Santa’s on his way and many a household will be leaving a little something out for him and the reindeer.

I’ve heard he rather likes a tot of brandy or whisky, but skim milk would be better for him.

I also hear tell he’s fond of shortbread and mince pies, but some fresh fruit would make the reindeer’s job easier.

And speaking of the reindeer, remember to leave them a carrot or two.  There’s also a fun recipe for reindeer food here.

And get to bed early… or not 😉

Ready Set Christmas – Camera Action Smile

December 23, 2011

Got enough film/memory for your camera to capture the big fun day?  Are the batteries charged?

Check that checked.

or not 😉

Wouldn't want to miss precious moments like this.

Ready Set Christmas – Hiding Gifts

December 21, 2011

Do you struggle to find suitable places around the house to hide gifts until Christmas time?  Here are some clues –

  • at the store for as long as possible (e.g. on layby)
  • at someone else’s house – a neighbour or family member
  • somewhere in plain sight.  If there’s chance on earth your children will volunteer to cook or put dishes away, you can easily hide gifts in the pots and pans cupboard.
  • wrap them right away and pop them under the tree

Have you ever been so organised you bought gifts nice and early and then hid them away, only to forget where they were hidden?  Keep a master list, coded if necessary!

or not 😉


Ready Set Christmas – the Guest Room 2

December 19, 2011

Expecting overnight guests?  Ready?

What do they need?  A clean bed, towels, clean bathroom, space to put their suitcase and to unpack.

It’s nice to add a few extra touches…

  • a jug of water and a glass
  • a small bunch of flowers
  • a scented candle
  • nice soap
  • extra supplies of anything they may have forgotten
  • a midnight snack
  • a map of the local area so they can go for a walk and get out of your hair
  • a ticket for public transport so they can really get out from underfoot (and enjoy the town)
  • an iPod dock

The list could go on an on, but then they might stay on and on!

Have I forgotten something?

Take a moment to really make your guests feel welcome.

or not 😉

Ready Set Christmas – the Guest Room 1

December 18, 2011

Expecting overnight guests?  Where will they sleep?  In the guest room?  Have you been treating it like a junk room?

Well, now’s the time to turf the junk – all those deferred decisions, the “I’ll just put it here for now” stuff, the stuff waiting for that garage sale or to go on eBay, the stuff that belongs to someone else but you’re holding onto it for them, the stuff that you can’t even remember what it was for or why you kept it, the stuff you thought someone else might find useful.  Know what I’m talking about?

Make way for the guests and make way for a little extra living once they’ve gone.  Make the decisions on that stuff now.  If you’re holding a garage sale, set a date.  If the stuff belongs elsewhere, put it there.  If you’re stuff for someone else, tell them to come get it by a deadline (I guarantee you they won’t want most of it – but make it their responsibility to get rid of the stuff, not yours).  You get the idea.  Now is a great time to set the tone for the New Year.

So make way and give the room a good clean.  Your guests will appreciate it, but you will reap the benefits even more when you have the space to yourself again.

or not 😉