Archive for the ‘Testimonial’ Category

Organised Thoughts 2009 in Review

December 30, 2009

2009 has been an eventful year around here.  And for you too I’m sure.  Now’s a great time to stop and reflect and share some moments from the year past.

Together we worked on the Creating Order 2009 Declutter Challenge! from start to finish.

I got deep and meaningful with The most productive afternoon of my life and Needs vs. Wants.

One very popular post was How to Display Children’s Art.

There was a Save Time series, starting with Save Time in the Laundry.

We talked about how to find time to get organised in No Time to Declutter?, 21 Ways to Get Organised in Just 5 Minutes and 5 Organising Tasks in 5 Minutes Each.

Achieving my Expert Accreditation was really important to me, and I was happy to share the journey with you in The Journey to Expert.

2009 has been a year of travelling for me, with conferences galore as well as travel for pleasure.  In Quick and Easy Packing for Travel I shared my formula for keeping travel simple.

Together we went on a Decluttering Adventure, with the first post, Decluttering Adventure – the Roadmap.

There was a moving story in My Mother’s Garden.

Readers got to listen to my interview with ABC presenter, Craig Zonca, in The Story of Me & My Cookie Cutters.

I urged a clutter-free Christmas with my Angela’s Advent series, starting with Angela’s Advent, Day 1.

And that was the year that was.  Wishing you all a fabulous 2010 filled with adventures with happy endings. 🙂

Why I Love being a Professional Organiser

January 2, 2009

Yes, I love sorting, purging, clearing clutter, finding better ways to store things, finding better ways to do things, discovering time-saving tips, saving money and effort.

Yes, I love running my own business, networking with other business owners and learning from them, writing articles, myj e-newsletter and blog.

But what I love most about being a Professional Organiser is meeting wonderful people and making a difference in their lives.  I am blessed.

The following is a testimonial written by one such wonderful client.  Not only does she say great things about me (thanks Glynis!), she speaks from her heart and her very personal experience about her own decluttering journey.

I can remember being aghast when my psychologist suggested I contact a declutterer. Huh? That’s a profession? I can actually PAY someone to get me out of my mess and organise me?

After an extensive internet search, I made phone calls to the three on my short list. My criteria for selection was a combination of what the website offered and how those I called would answer the question “Have you had experience working with people with OCD?”

First call: “OCD? I’m not sure what that is, but we help people get order into their lives”. (Failed). Second call: “Our company sells boxes and storage systems, we can help you sort things” (Failed). Third call: (and gentle Angela answered the phone) “Yes, I’ve worked with quite a few people who have OCD. There are many reasons for hoarding and I’m not saying it will be easy, but I can help”. Not just music to my ears, but a majestic symphony.

We scheduled three successive days. When I opened the door to welcome Angela, there was an immediate rapport and I knew she knew all about what I needed her to know. Three days later, after smiles and many tears, I had actually cleared a huge amount of clutter, something I had not been able to do on my own. The technique itself was gentle persuasion; all decisions were actually made by me, but guided by a consummate professional. Without giving too much away (because hoarding and clutter is a very personal and private affair, and everyone who suffers the condition is quite different) I’ll tell you about my bags. Lots and lots of them – big, small, glittery, zippered, flapped, clipped, purple, black, strapped, over the shoulder, on the back, by the side, each with its own loving history and far too difficult to part with, well, so I thought. Angela saw the emotional struggle I was having trying to determine which could be given away to an op-shop, which to keep. She saw my feelings of being overwhelmed by so many things in my life. She gently let me go through the suffering of being unable to let things go (in this case, bags) and when the sorrow subsided, confidently and calmly suggested that I could keep whichever bags I wanted, as long as they comfortably fitted on a particular shelf we then set aside in the cupboard. If something didn’t fit, then it would have to go. The decision-making was left to me, but it was driven by the designated space available. Cruel, you may think, especially as I had to reduce the collection by at least half, but it is something of which I am still proud. Even today when I see a tempting new bag to buy, I can still buy it, but when it comes home, one I already love must go so the new one can take its place. And this was just the bags!

To those reading this who are obsessive-compulsive, I truly hope you are actively seeking the right type of support to help you. Hoarding and depression are just two manifestations of this disorder. OCD is too burdensome an affliction to manage on your own, and there really IS help out there. Your local gp can give you a referral to a psychologist (psychotherapy option) or a psychiatrist (psychotherapy and/or medication option). And now there is also a whole heap of literature available you can read, so if nothing else, you will realise you are not on your own.

If your personality type has led you down the path of being a clutter-bunny, and you really want to make change, but can’t make change on your own, then I recommend Angela Esnouf, Professional Organiser, from Creating Order from Chaos. Angela understands that everyone has obsessive-compulsive personality traits, but for some it is far greater than others. Working one-on-one, within your mess and clutter, over an agreed time, Angela will guide you step-by-step to accomplish well-organised surrounds. Angela is gracious, sensitive, compassionate and has an amazing insight into OCD. You will suddenly become satisfied with your surroundings, seeing your living environment as something that can be managed, and will be everso surprised that order can be created from the chaos!

Glynis Ramsay, Murrumbeena

Success with Clutter Challenge

September 11, 2008

There has been an overwhelming response to the Creating Order Clutter Challenge.  So many of my subscribers have written in with their success stories.  It feels great to be making a difference in people’s lives.  Here are a few of the comments…

First, from Chris

So I’ve spent 10 minutes in the VERY dusty shelves where I keep my shoes and have collected 2 bags of old shoes that need to go, 3 pairs perfect for Fitted for Work and now can see what shoes I do have as they all fit on my shelves now!  What’s more, the bottom shelf (that’s really just the floor underneath these shelves is now shoe-free and can be vacuumed.  Thanks heaps.

And Nick said,

Gday Angela, thanks for the challenge!  I ended up throwing out (recycling) 10 or more things (some to rag bag and some to op shop).  I think the challenge worked for me because it was less daunting.  Then I got caught up in it and I threw out an old sports bag and footy boots as well.

And this from Judy

Thanks Angela for your inspiration again.  Did you have to mention the magazines!

Well, yes I did.  As a fellow magazine lover I know how quickly they can accumulate.  They’ve cost me $$ over the years, but are my one “vice”.  Judy sent a great tip as well –

Buy your magazines, especially the expensive home decorator ones, from the charity shop for cents rather than dollars.  The stories get recycled anyway.

Thank you to all who’ve kept me up to date with their progress.  Keep it coming.

It’s not too late to join in and create your own success.  Simply subscribe to my e-newsletter.  🙂

Get Organised with Family Meetings

April 18, 2008

I received a letter from a happy client this week, telling me of the progress she and her family had made getting organised.  After she told me a fairly typical story about her children being unmotivated to contribute to keeping the house in order (if you have children you know what I mean), I had advised her to try family meetings.  I have found them to be useful for getting the whole family “on board” and fostering co-operation and responsibility.  I believe they help children realise they have a voice, and how to use it appropriately.

Well, my client did try the family meeting, and was really pleased with the outcome.  The whole family worked together to come up with solutions and rosters.  Psychologist, Kimberley L. Keith, has written “How to Hold a Family Meeting”.  Give it a go and let me know how you go.

Praise for the Chronicle

April 18, 2008

The Creating Order Chronicle has just gone out to subscribers.  It’s a free monthly e-newsletter packed with tips and articles, and there’s a always a competition to enter.

No sooner had this April edition gone out than I received one lovely letter from Káren Wallace.  She wrote

Have I told you how much I enjoy your Chronicle?  It’s always a light, easy read – encouraging and informative.

and another from Dierdre Le Blang (aka Dee), who said

Thanks for another great Chronicle!

Thank you, Káren and Dee!  You made my day.

It’s easy to subscribe to the Creating Order Chronicle.  Simply send an email, with “newsletter” in the subject line, to